Decorating "Rules"

Monday, March 2, 2015

Happy Monday! I didn't mean to take so much time off from blogging, but last week was not a fun one with more snow, no school (Katie only went one day), and 24 hours without any power. Spring, please come soon!  On to happier topics. Today I'm just popping in to share a few resources on the more "how-to" side of decorating.

I follow several decor blogs and there's just so much helpful information out there. First is a great post from Kris at Driven by Decor on the dimensions of furniture pieces, rugs and how high to hang your artwork. This is great advice for someone like me who tends to get overwhelmed by all the options. One of my goals this year is to actually put artwork and family photos on the walls and not have anxiety about it!

I've recently been thinking more about making our master bedroom more of a cozy space especially since we are currently redoing the bathroom in there. We have carpet in all of our bedrooms so there's no true need for a rug, but it could really warm up the space. I found this post by with some great recommendations on what size rug to use depending on what type of bed you have. Courtney, over at her blog A Thoughtful Place, has a gorgeous bedroom in which she layered a rug over carpet very successfully.

Alas, Rob just walked by and said for me not to even think of spending any more money at this point since we're doing the bathroom now. Oh well, maybe later on in the future...

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