"Friday" Favorites

Saturday, February 21, 2015

I'm so late to the game this week with Friday Favorites and I wasn't going to do this post, but....
we started our master bath remodel FINALLY! We are so excited to tear out the ugliness and make some progress in there.

Our contractors were great and have been working in some really cold temperatures. One day the "high" was 17. So ready for spring! Obviously, there is still a lot of work to do but we can see the light at the end of the tunnel.

As we were "iced" in for an entire week, I wanted to make the kids some cookies and I decided to make some that I could eat as well. I ended up making these from Juli's site, PaleOMG. I'm trying not to eat a lot of sugar, but sometimes you've GOT to. I needed these this week. We've had people in and out working on the bathroom and haven't really been able to get out. School was cancelled from Tuesday through Friday so needless to say, it was a long week.

Anyway, just thought I'd share. The recipe calls for a specific kind of almond butter, which I didn't have; I just used what I had and the dough was really oily but I still think they turned out pretty good.

I ordered this book on my kindle this week and read it pretty quickly. It's not my usual genre, but it got a lot of good reviews so I thought why not? We were stuck in the house and I have a nasty headcold and so haven't felt like doing much of anything.

This was so good and a really fast read. I won't say too much in case you haven't read it, but it really made me think. The main character hits her head and loses the last 10 years of her life--she doesn't even remember her children.  I've already ordered The Husband's Secret and I hope it's just as good. Not sure when I think I'll have time to read it though.

This made me laugh because it's so true!

Although I'm so not a fan of winter and this time of the year, it is fun to get a little bit of snow especially when you have children. They spent most of Tuesday sledding on the inch of ice we got.
Monday night when the snow first started

Here's to a return to our normal routine next week!
As always, linking up to Andrea, Erika, and Narci

1 comment:

  1. I felt the same way about that book....I loved it and it really made me think.


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