Friday Favorites

Friday, January 30, 2015

Wow, this week went by quickly! My oldest went back to school after a 5 week track-out and that has been quite the adjustment. I've been staring at paint samples in dismay. I naively thought it wouldn't be that difficult to narrow down a paint color for the entryway and possibly for our master bath. Did I mention I'm looking for a gray color? HA I've tried 10 paint samples and am still looking. Sigh. Anyway, Happy Friday!


Caslon Long Sleeved Shirts I actually can't remember what made me order this shirt but I'm glad I did. I wasn't sure about paying $25 for a simple tee, but with free shipping and free returns I figured it couldn't hurt to try. I have it in the brown and I really like the fit and and quality so much so that I ordered another one in a black & white stripe which I just got and I love it as well.


Love these plantain chips from Trader Joe's. Since becoming paleo I will admit to sometimes struggling when I get the urge to snack but I discovered these and don't feel guilty indulging at times. Careful though because they are really yummy!


She Reads Truth. You've probably heard of this but I just subscribed a few months ago and I get daily devotionals in my email account every day. Really good stuff.


This is the YMCA where we belong and it was recently remodeled. After not working out for close to 3 months (yes, click your tongues at me), I finally went back this week and have worked out 3 times (and counting). I'm determined to make this a priority for myself. It makes such a difference in my mood and outlook; you'd think I'd remember this and want to work out all the time. All I usually do is walk/run on the treadmill and do the elliptical. I really need to find a good weight routine to tone up though or take a class but I'm such a coward when it comes to trying new things.


Old lady selfie! So last night I went out to dinner with a friend which was so nice. I'm trying to make more time in my life for this. Mommy's need a "playdate" of their own! Anyway, when I got home home Rob was getting the girls ready for bed but Lily, my 4-year-old, was not happy I was home (a shock as she is usually glued to my side) so she yelled at me to go back outside to the car. I happily obliged her and may or may not have carried a beverage with me to enjoy. It didn't last long, but I enjoyed it.

Here's to the weekend!
Linking up with:
 Erika, Narci, and Andrea

1 comment:

  1. Those chips look yummy...I will definitely have to check those out. Good for you for getting back on track with your work outs at the gym. I've got to start doing better! Stopping by from the link up with Andrea.
    Have a great weekend!
    April :)


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